Scripture Reading - 1 Peter 2:24

who Himself bore our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, having died to sins, might live for righteousness — by whose stripes you were healed. NKJV

Dear Believer, many in the world today dread even the thought of sickness. They loathe the subject of sickness and disease because they have no real answer for maintaining a healthy body. Yes, they do have some confidence in doctors and medicines but they know in their heart that certain aliments are beyond medical science. The sad part is that many Christians have adopted their mentality. They accept the doctor’s report over the testimony of God’s Word. The real problem is not in the diagnosis but rather in the mindset of seeking healing. It is always a challenge to convince other people that healing has been paid for and it belongs to them. Yes, many Christians will say, “Yes, and Amen! Brother” but they too ask for a prayer of healing. Asking for prayer is not a requirement for healing. We will repeat that statement again, “Asking for prayer is not a requirement for healing”. Praying for God to heal you is “OK” but it is better to believe the scripture of 1 Peter 2:24b which states: “You were healed!” Notice the words “You were healed” is a statement of fact, not fiction. This is not an answer to your prayers it is a truth of God for all believers. Jesus Christ took all your sickness upon Himself at the cross of Calvary. Jesus alone bore the stripes of sickness and disease specifically so you would not have to. Jesus healed you but the key is do you believe that. If you believed that “you were healed” you would take the position of the Healed One. You would make statement like, “I was healed at Calvary by Jesus” or “I am healed in Jesus Name”. Many people are wasting time waiting for God to heal them by His Great Power, not realizing it is through faith in God’s Word that they receive God’s Healing. Please dearly beloved Christian stop asking God to do something-extra ordinary when you refuse to do your part. God’s part was to give you His Word and the sacrifice of Jesus, which He did over 2000 years ago, now your part is to believe that word wholeheartedly and speak it forth with your mouth. Thus, consummating your healing. So knowing that you are “a healed one” resisting sickness makes all the difference in your stand. Stand strong in Lord and in the Power of His might because you know “you were healed”. Yes, you were healed therefore you are always healed. Yeah, you believe this scripture and therefore you speak this scripture out loud that “you were healed”. Many think that they are waiting on God to come through for them but the truth is God is waiting on them to believe (obey) His Word. Believing God’s Word and speaking it forth consistently and sincerely will work out God’s healing power upon you from the inside out, thus removing any invading sickness or disease through the glory and grace of God. Remember, dear Saint “You Were Healed” and that is why you are a Christian (one just like Christ) spiritually whole and physical healed. Amen!